Our core values are relationship, citizenship, scholarship and leadership.
We focus on ensuring that all students:
Receive instruction that supports appropriate learning goals for them,
Are integral members of the school community,
Are active participants in the learning process,
Have multiple opportunities for success in school and beyond.
Our instructional focus for the year is to provide students with opportunities to engage in productive struggle to push their thinking and force them to think critically; and to insist that students use evidence to make claims through whole class discussion and/or writing.
Through their academic courses, QMHS students will study and develop the knowledge, skills, and work habits of successful professionals. As upperclassmen, QMHS students will have the opportunity to earn college credit through College Now courses and other venues that will support their future goals.


Achieve More
Our Advanced Placement courses include:
Computer Science A
Computer Science Principles
English Language
English Literature
Environmental Science
US Government & Politics
US History
World History
Kick Start Your Future
Students can now graduate with 12+ college credits! Our current College Now offerings include:
College Algebra and Trig
Critical Thinking
Global Politics
Introduction to Composition
Introduction to Statistics
Literacy and Propaganda
Reading the Biography
Topics in Biology