Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday November 21, 2024 (5:00PM-8:00PM)
Friday November 22, 2024 (12:20PM-2:20PM)
Parents will have the opportunity to access their teachers’ calendars and schedule a convenient conference time for next week through the Canyon Creek Scheduler.
Please be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to efficiently schedule your appointments. Remember, the appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you are unable to make an appointment during these times, you can email teachers directly to schedule an appointment via email later during their office hours. Just email the teacher directly or through JUPITER and let them know your preferred schedule to meet.
Please note it is important to be registered with the JUPITER platform and update your email and phone number in the main settings page so teachers can follow up with you. (Students have all their teacher emails as well) Please do not hesitate to contact the Parent Coordinator for JUPITER registration.
Step-By-Step Parent/Guardian Scheduler Instructions
From the Online Scheduler Home Page (select Queens Metropolitan HS)
Choose your student’s school from the drop-down list and click “GO”
Enter the school password QMHS
Enter your student’s “Student ID”. If you do not know their Student ID, use the LOOKUP STUDENT ID button to access the system.
Verify the student’s birth date
A list of your student’s teachers will be displayed. Check the box next to the name of each teacher(s) you would like to meet with.
If you have more than one student in the school, you can see all of your students’ teachers’ schedules at one time by answering YES to this question “Do you want to schedule conferences for another student?” then repeat the steps above for your other students. If you only have one student, answer NO to that question.
You will then see the available time slots for each teacher you selected.
Select the times that work best for your schedule.
Enter your email address to receive confirmation and notification of scheduled appointments. (Your email address is kept private.)
Once you have finished you can confirm your appointment details and print your conference schedule from your email.
Write down or screenshot the Confirmation Number (you will need this number to reschedule appointments if necessary)